عملاق أدوبي الشهير Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5 Final أروع برامج التعديل على الصور إنه برنامج لكل مهتم بالصور والتعديل عليها بكل ما تحمله الكلمه من معني انه افضل برنامج للمصورين ولعشاق الجودة العالية البرنامج عملاق فى كل شئ فهو يوفر مجموعة رهيبه من الادوات تمكنك من تعديل الصور وتحسين جودتها بصوره كبيرة والتحكم الكامل فيها من إضاءة وسطوع وألوان وتلاعب وكتابة وأشكال مميزة البرنامج يدعم جميع انواع الصورة مهما كان نوعها
Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® 4 software provides a comprehensive set of digital photography tools, from powerfully simple one-click adjustments to cutting-edge advanced controls. Create images that inspire, inform, and delight.
Top features
Creativity and flexibility Bring out the best in every image with Lightroom 4. Experiment freely with comprehensive image processing tools in a nondestructive environment.
Tone and color Precisely adjust color, tone, and contrast. Easily make beautiful black-and-white conversions.
Detail and correction Use powerful tools to maximize detail and perfect your images. Sharpen, reduce noise, add grain, and correct lens defects and perspective distortion
Saving time and working efficiently Get all your digital photography tools in one intuitive solution. Make one-click adjustments to multiple images, create and store timesaving presets, and more.
Highlight and shadow recovery Bring out all the detail that your camera captures in dark shadows and bright highlights. Now you have more power than ever before to create great images in challenging light.
Photo book creation Create beautiful photo books from your images with a variety of easy-to-use templates included in Lightroom. Upload your book for printing with just a few clicks. Receive 20% off from Blurb on your first book created using Lightroom 4 software.*
Location-based organization Find and group images by location, easily assign locations to images, or plot a photo journey. Automatically display location data from GPS-enabled cameras and camera phones.
Extended video support Organize, view, and make adjustments to video clips. Play and trim clips, extract still images from them, or adjust clips with the Quick Develop tool.